Protect yourself from STDs

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are infections that can be passed from one person to another during any type of sexual activity. They can affect both men and women, and some can also be passed on to a baby during pregnancy or childbirth. If you’re sexually active, it’s important to know how to protect yourself from STDs. Knowing the most common STDs, their symptoms, and how to protect yourself from them is critical to maintaining your reproductive health.

What is an STD?

STD stands for “sexually transmitted disease.” It’s a term used to describe any infection that can be passed from one person to another during any type of sexual activity. STDs can affect both men and women, and some can also be passed on to a baby during pregnancy or childbirth.

There are many different types of STDs, including:

  • Chlamydia
  • Gonorrhea
  • HPV (human papillomavirus)
  • Herpes
  • Syphilis
  • Trichomoniasis

How do you get an STD?

STDs can be passed from one person to another in a number of ways, including:

  • Vaginal sex
  • Anal sex
  • Oral sex
  • Contact with infected blood or semen

What are common symptoms of STDs?

Some of the typical signs of a sexually transmitted disease may include:

  • Painful sexual intercourse
  • Unusual vaginal bleeding or discharge
  • Sores or bumps in genital areas
  • Painful, burning urination
  • Itching and discomfort
  • Bleeding with intercourse

If you suspect that you might have an STD, it is important that you no longer engage in sexual activities with others and that you schedule an appointment with a doctor for an evaluation. With a proper diagnosis, patients can talk to their doctor about the most appropriate treatment option to address the problem and allow them to engage in sexual activities again with their partner.

Where can I go for STD testing?

Testing regularly for STDs is the best way to diagnose a disease and treat it, reducing the risk of spread. If you are located in the area of Houston, TX and are interested in learning more about the ways to protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases, we welcome you to visit our providers at Northwest Women’s Center. A consultation appointment can be made by calling (281) 444-3440 and visiting the office at 13215 Dotson Road, Suite #200.

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