Second Pregnancy: How it’s Different From Your First

second pregnancy Congratulations! You’re going to have another baby and your firstborn will get to experience life with a sibling by their side! While you have been pregnant before and may feel like a pro, there are some things you should know, like how your second pregnancy might not look or feel like your first.

First Pregnancy vs. Second Pregnancy

There are many differences between your first and second pregnancy. During your second pregnancy, you’ll usually experience these differences:

Symptoms Appear Sooner 

Since you’ve been pregnant before, you probably remember how those first pregnancy symptoms feel. From mild to severe nausea, indigestion, frequent urination to smell sensitivities, food cravings, and breast enlargement, you’ve likely experienced one of these symptoms during your first trimester. Although symptoms might not look or feel like the first pregnancy, when you’re pregnant with your second child, you are likely to experience your first symptoms sooner.

You Will Start to Show Sooner

I know this is probably not the news you wanted to hear, as maybe you just started to fit into your favorite jeans again, but your second pregnancy will cause you to start showing sooner than you did in your first. Why is that? Your muscles in the stomach and uterus are already stretched out from your first pregnancy, causing your “baby bump” to show sooner.

You May Experience More Tiredness

Now that your firstborn child is likely running laps around you and you cannot take the rest you need as you did in your first pregnancy, you will most likely feel more tired with the second pregnancy. Not only will you be more tired, but the fatigue will show up sooner than you probably expect.

You Will Feel Your Baby Move and Kick Sooner

Remember how amazing it felt to feel your first baby move around inside of you and kick with its tiny feet? Well, you get to experience that again sooner than you did the first time!

Labor Should Be Quicker for Your Second Pregnancy

Now that your body is already experienced with how to go through labor and delivery, you will likely experience a faster delivery. 

Call Northwest Women’s Center to Schedule Your First Appointment!

If you are pregnant, call Northwest Women’s Center at 281-444-3440, where our experienced and compassionate team of obstetricians can schedule your first appointment. Our office provides safe prenatal care for women in the Houston, TX, area and caters to the needs of our moms-to-be. 

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